How to reach us: From Internet, e-world, aol, etc.: From Compuserve: 70712,1661 By Phone: 713-669-9919. If you leave a message, please indicate that you are a registered user, the nature of your question, and when we can reach you if we are not immediately available. Telephone support is NOT available to unregistered users. By Mail: 7505 Brompton, Houston, TX 77025 Update policy: We will provide any bug fixes and updates based on new postal regulations at no charge within one year of your registration date. If you have paid the fee for e-mail updates, you will receive these fixes and updates via e-mail. If you paid for USPS updates, you will receive updates via USPS, although we may also notify you by e-mail, if we have your address, in order to speed your receipt of any new information. We learn of changes to bulk mail requirements through the Domestic Mail Manual and other official USPS sources. We are not obligated to notify you of any change that is not announced via a revision to the Domestic Mail Manual, although we may notify you of changes prior to such revision. It is your responsibility to send us any changes to e-mail or USPS addresses. We will discontinue e-mail notifications if your e-mail is returned "addressee unknown". We will discontinue USPS notifications if your USPS mail is returned "addressee unknown". We are not responsible for updating Postage $aver if the USPS makes major changes in the bulk mail system that would, in our judgment, make your Postage $aver version substantially useless for 3rd class bulk mail.